Peroxidase-based chemiluminescence - best choice? - SUMMARY

Dima Klenchin klenchin at facstaff.REMOVE_TO_REPLY.wisc.edu
Thu Mar 20 18:55:04 EST 1997

In article <5gnb8r$4fm at news.doit.wisc.edu>,
   klenchin at facstaff.REMOVE_TO_REPLY.wisc.edu (Dima Klenchin) wrote:
->Hello all,
->our lab is finally moving from I-125 to ECL-based Westerns. 
->While I am sure every kit works, I am wondering what you guys
->would recommend to use most. Right now we can think of a reagents from
->Boehringer, Amersham, Pierce and NEN. Of course, other things
->being equal, the cheaper the better. 
->Everyone who actually compared different "kits", please reply. 
Thanks to all who replied!

Based on a total 13 replies, Pierce is a winner by a wide margin - 
"respondents" claim better sensitivity, longer-lasting signal and
good price. 

No affiliations, etc, etc. - we just have ordered it. 

- Dima

     / /\         Dima Klenchin
    / /  \
   / / /\ \       klenchin at facstaff.wisc.edu
  / / /\ \ \      tel. (608)263-1163
 / /_/__\ \ \     FAX  (608)262-3453
/________\ \ \

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