HELP!!!!: Source of Proline Endopeptidase...

Peter Hunziker phunzi at bioc.unizh.ch
Thu Mar 20 11:23:31 EST 1997

John Piper wrote:
> Greetings everyone,
>         PLEASE, someone help me regain my sanity!!!  I am in the process of trying
> to sequence an N-terminal blocked protein, so obviously I am performing a
> series of digests.  Well, to make a long story short, I am using the known
> sequence of the mouse isoform of this protein to make digestion
> predictions.  I ran the mouse sequence through GCG's PeptideMap program,
> and one promising digest is ProEn, described in the proenz.dat file as
> Proline Endopeptidase.  I have been trying, VERY unsuccessfully, to find a
> source of this enzyme.  I even contacted GCG's tech support line, and they
> do not have a current source listed for this enzyme.  From the information
> I have gathered, this is not an efficient (or popular) enzyme, which may
> explain its scarcity.  Most of the references I have found are either from
> the early 80's or late 70's.  If anyone knows of a source of Proline
> Endopeptidase, I would be eternally grateful if you would share that
> information with me.  Thanks in advance for your replies.
> John
Dear John

some years ago I ordered this enzyme from Seikagaku Corp. In the 1994
catalog the distributor of their products in the USA was:

Seikagaku America, INc.
30 West Gude Drive, Siute 260
Rockville, MD 20850-1161

Ph: 301-424-0546 or 1-800-237-4512
fax: 301-424-6961

I hope that this address is still o.k.

Many regards
Dr. Peter Hunziker
Universitaet Zuerich, Biochemisches Institut
Winterthurerstr. 190
CH-8057 Zuerich, Switzerland

Tel: 01/257 55 20
Fax: 01/363 79 47
E-mail: phunzi at bioc.unizh.ch

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