I'm prepairing to venture into the dark world of prokaryotic
protein expression. I have decided to use Novogens pET vector
system(1) with a N-terminal His tag. Since I've been told His tags
can be problem, using a dual tagged vector (pET 28-33) would be a
seem to be good idea... Unfortunatly I've never heard of the
other tags :-(
Would anyone care to comment on the other avalable tags
(T7.Tag, S.Tag and Trx.tag)?
FWIW the protein is a 30kDa domain from a larger esterase, I'm leaving
about 60aa N-terminal sequence before the domain starts to give a
bit of spacer between the tag and the protein.
(1) On the sound principle that the bloke in the other lab is
using it and I can go running to him if it starts acting up :-)