[Fwd: post-doctoral position]

Randall Weselake weselake at hg.uleth.ca
Sat Mar 8 00:15:26 EST 1997

Message-ID: <md5:A7D90166987EEF9A5EAC88714118FC6E>
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 1997 21:59:13 -0800
From: Randall Weselake <weselake at hg.uleth.ca>
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To: nobody at net.bio.net
Subject: post-doctoral position
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Post-Doctoral Position, University of Lethbridge

Qualifications:  Ph.D. in molecular biology.  Experience in lipid
biochemistry and/or enzymology would be an asset.

Project Information:  The research will involve molecular genetic and
enzymological studies of intramuscular fat deposition in cattle.  The
project represents a collaboration between the University of Lethbridge
and the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Centre in Lethbridge. 
The project is supported by the Beef Industry Development Fund of the
Alberta Agricultural Research Institute and has the potential for
renewal to September, 1999.  The annual salary will be in the range of
$26,000 to $28,000.

Applicants should send a covering letter, curriculum vitae and list of
three references by May 30, 1997 to:

Dr. Randall J. Weselake]
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of Chemistry
University of Lethbridge
4401 University Drive
Lethbridge, Alberta
T1K 3M4

For additional information on the position, Dr. Weselake can be
contacted through the following channels:

Telephone:  	(403) 329-2303

FAX:		(403) 329-2057

E-MAIL:		weselake at hg.uleth.ca
Return-Path: <weselake at hg.uleth.ca>
Received: from tsb08-07.cc.uleth.ca by acad2.cc.uleth.ca (MX V4.2 AXP) with
          SMTP; Fri, 07 Mar 1997 22:15:03 MST
Message-ID: <33210031.377C at hg.uleth.ca>

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