benzamidine agarose.

Randy Willis willis at gandalf.psf.sickkids.on.ca
Fri Mar 7 09:33:57 EST 1997

  We've used the immobilized benzamidine from Sigma off and on for a
couple of years now to remove thrombin from our GST-fusion cleavage
reactions and it seems to be working well.  I couldn't tell you exactly
how much we've used per reaction but we have been roughly following the
specifics outlined by Sigma and we got the suggestion from another lab
in the neighbourhood.  Keep in mind that the Sigma resin comes in a
slurry with something like 0.5M NaCl, so you may want to pre-rinse the
resin with your starting buffer before using it, but that is largely up
to what your plans are after removing the thrombin.  I would definitely
suggest that you give it a try and see what happens.

Good luck,

Randall C Willis, Researcher
Biochemistry, Hosp for Sick Children
3522-555 University Ave
Toronto, ON

416-813-5933 (ph)  -5022 (fax)

willis at gandalf.psf.sickkids.on.ca

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