ANNOUNCEMENT2: FEBS advanced course: frontiers of protein structure prediction 1997

Tim Hubbard th at sanger.ac.uk
Thu Mar 6 07:34:21 EST 1997

[sorry - with correct web addresses this time]

Announcement: Call for applications

FEBS advanced course: frontiers of protein structure prediction 1997


	The course, which is being run for the second time (see
http://predict.sanger.ac.uk/irbm-course95), is directed at young scientists
with some experience and a strong interest in protein structure and
structure prediction who wish to learn about the latest developments in the

        The aim of the workshop is to predict as much as possible about
the structure of a number of proteins of biological interest, taking
advantage of the most recent methodologies for fold recognition and ab
initio prediction.

        The participants will be divided into working groups assisted by
an instructor. Each group will be equipped with state of the art
software and hardware (kindly provided by Silicon Graphics) and assigned
the sequences of proteins whose structure has to be predicted.

        The predictions will be made public as a technical document and
also available via World Wide Web. Suggestions for target proteins can
also be submitted by non-participants via WWW (see accompanying email)

Tim Hubbard (Sanger Centre), Anna Tramontano (IRBM)

G. Barton (Oxford), T. Hubbard (Cambridge), D. Jones (London),
M. Sippl (Salzburg), A. Valencia (Madrid)

A. Lesk (Cambridge), J. Moult (Rockville), B. Rost (Heidelberg)

Dates:                       7-20 October 1997
Deadline for applications:   30th June 1997.
Registration fee             1200 DM (includes accomodation and meals)
Location:                    IRBM (Istituto di Ricerche di Biologia Molecolare)
                             Pomezia, Rome, Italy

Further information and on-line application forms:


        Prof. Anna Tramontano
        IRBM, Via Pontina Km 30.600
        I-00040 Pomezia (Rome)
        Tel: +39 6 91093207
        Fax: +39 6 91093654
        email: tramontano at irbm.it

Tim Hubbard, Anna Tramontano

Dr Tim Hubbard                       email: th at sanger.ac.uk
Sanger Centre                 Tel (direct): +44 1223 494983
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus  Tel (switch): +44 1223 834244
Hinxton                                Fax: +44 1223 494919
Cambridgeshire. CB10 1SA.              URL: http://www.sanger.ac.uk/

Dr Tim Hubbard                       email: th at sanger.ac.uk
Sanger Centre                 Tel (direct): +44 1223 494983
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus  Tel (switch): +44 1223 834244
Hinxton                                Fax: +44 1223 494919
Cambridgeshire. CB10 1SA.              URL: http://www.sanger.ac.uk/

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