Postdoctoral position in protein synthesis

Ernie Hannig hannig at utdallas.edu
Thu Jul 31 10:25:28 EST 1997


A postdoctoral position is available to apply genetic and biochemical
approaches to the analysis of protein synthesis in Saccharomyces
cerevisiae [see Erickson and Hannig (1996) EMBO J. 15:6311; Dorris et
al. (1995) EMBO J. 14:2239]. In particular, we are interested in
identifying and characterizing the functions of individual polypeptides
in multi-subunit translation initiation factors, using both conditional
alleles and novel mutations that suppress normally lethal deletions in
essential subunit genes. Other projects address the interactions of
initiation factors with additional protein complexes. Our goal is a
better and more complete understanding of the complex interactions that
are required to successfully and correctly initiate protein synthesis,
and the mechanisms that regulate these interactions/events. Qualified
applicants should have recent Ph.D. (or nearly completed), and
experience in protein purification and enzyme assays. Experience in
yeast genetics would be useful, but is not required. Please reply to Dr.
Ernie Hannig, preferably via email, at the address listed below. You may
also send a hard copy of your c.v., along with a short statement of
research interests/experience and the names of three references, to the
following address:

Dr. Ernie Hannig
The University of Texas at Dallas
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, FO3.1
P.O. Box 830688
Richardson, TX 75083-0688

The University of Texas at Dallas is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Employer.

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