Buffer at pH 3-4?

John A. Newitt newitt at removeme.nih.gov
Wed Jul 30 15:29:03 EST 1997

In article <5rhhg1$qv6$1 at its1.ocs.lsu.edu>, akhan at unix1.sncc.lsu.edu wrote:

> Hello.  Could anyone suggest a buffer with pKa of 4 or below that can be
> used in anion exchange chromatography (i.e. it would not produce anions).
> Thank you.  Anwar Khan.

Piperidine  pKa=2.8


John A. Newitt, Ph.D.           |   <newitt at removeme.nih.gov>
National Institutes of Health   |   FAX: 301-402-0387
Bethesda, Maryland  USA         |   

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