Research Fellow
School of Biology and Biochemistry
This post, funded by the Association for International Cancer Research,
is available from 1 October for three years, to assist in a research
project carrying out work on the 67 kDa laminin receptor. The project
will use phage display techniques to disclose novel receptor ligands and
will have applications in angiogenesis and cancer biology.
Applicants must have a minimum 2.2 honours degree or equivalent,
preferably 2.1 or better or equivalent, in a scientific subject and a
PhD in molecular biology or biochemistry as well as experience of
recombinant DNA methods including cloning and expression of DNA
fragments in bacterial vectors. The following is desirable: experience
in working with phage display libraries and mammalian cell culture
together with a good publication record.
Salary range: 16,927 - 17,606 pounds Sterling per annum.
Applicants, quoting Ref: 97/F154C, may obtain further particulars from
the Personnel Office, The Queen's University of Belfast, BT7 1NN,
Tel (+441232) 273246/273044 or FAX (+441232) 324944.
Closing date: 22 August 1997.
- note antispam feature in return address. My real address is:
Andrew Wallace,Ph.D., Queens University Belfast, N. Ireland (UK)
a.wallace at