Bio-Computing and Emergent Computation
Skovde, Sweden
September 1-2, 1997
Call for Participation
BCEC97 is intended to be a general forum for presenting and
disseminating current research in biocomputing and emergent
computation. The aims are to strengthen this research area in Sweden
and to discuss and identify:
- common approaches, models and techniques
- appropriate levels for explaining emergent computation and cognition
- future developments in biological hardware and bioengineering
- short-term and long-term applications
Titles of invited talks and refereed papers include: Evolutionary
computation; classical and quantum computation in microtubules;
biocomputation and nonlinear dynamics in primitive sensorimotor
mechanisms; evolution of protein interaction; critical states in
cellular automata; artificial molecular evolution; introns in nature
and simulated structure evolution; predicting protein folding;
complexity of DNA computations; molecular phylogenetic trees; extended
genetic algorithms; modified Huxley kinetics; evolutionary agents in
computational ecologies; attractor network models.
Further details of speakers and a provisional programme can be found
at the URL: http://www.his.se/ida/~bcec/
Rolf Eckmiller (Bonn, Germany)
David Fogel (Natural Selection, USA)
Stuart Hameroff (Arizona, USA)
Lila Kari (W. Ontario, Canada)
Anders Lansner (KTH, Sweden)
Burkhart Rost (EMBL, Germany)
Invited speaker abstracts are available at the conference www site
(URL: http://www.his.se/ida/~bcec).
The conference will be held in Skövde, in the south of Sweden, 1 hour
by train from Gothenburg and 2 hours by train from Stockholm, both
with international airports. The conference venue is located in the
city centre (city theatre), close to conference accomodations and
train station.
Registration forms are available at the URL:
http://www.his.se/ida/~bcec/ or by contacting the organisers.
- Registration before the 31st of August: 2050 SEK
- On site registration: 2500 SEK
Registration fees include lunch, refreshments, and a copy of the
conference proceedings.
Dan Lundh (University of Skovde, Sweden)
Ajit Narayanan (University of Exeter, United Kingdom)
Bjorn Olsson (University of Skovde, Sweden)
Christian Balkenius (Lund, Sweden)
Bonnie Berger (MIT, USA)
Ron Chrisley (Sussex, UK)
Melissa Cline (UCSC, USA)
Paul Darwen (Brandeis, USA)
Hugo de Garis (ATR Labs, Japan)
Rolf Eckmiller (Bonn, Germany)
Michael Hasselmo (Harvard, USA)
Hiroaki Kitano (Sony CSL, Japan)
Rolf Kötter (Düsseldorf, Germany)
Anders Lansner (KTH, Sweden)
Dan Lundh (Skövde, Sweden)
Zbigniew Michalewicz (UNC, USA)
Ajit Narayanan (Exeter, UK) (Chair)
Mats Nordahl (Chalmers, Sweden)
Björn Olsson (Skövde, Sweden)
Paavo Pylkkänen (Skövde, Sweden)
Tom Ray (ATR Labs, Japan)
Diana Rooss (Würzburg, Germany)
Peter Schuster (IMB, Jena, Germany)
Moshe Sipper, (EPFL, Switzerland)
Jerry Solomon (Beckman Inst., USA)
drian Thompson (Sussex, UK)
BCEC97, Dept. of Computer Science, Fax: +46-500-464725
University of Skovde, Box 408, Email: bcec at ida.his.se
541 28 Skovde, Sweden URL: http://www.his.se/ida/~bcec/