D Fesquet wrote:
> hi, does anybody know a good source of 9E10 antibody (MYC antibody),
> the
> one we use at the moment (from santa cruz company) is inefficient by
> Western blotting (1/100 dilution is required) and is very expensive
> (=A3
> 180/100microgramm!). this antibody is sell by a lot of company, which
> one
> is the best! any help wellcome
A monoclonal antibody against the 9E10 epitope can be purchased for the
cost of production from the Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank. This
NIH funded resource supplies hybridoma supernatant, semi-purified
antibody, and ascites. In some cases, you can also buy the clone. I
don't know if these resources are available for scientists in the UK,
but it is worth a try. Info on the DSHB is at
Good luck
J van Adelsberg, Columbia University