Product loss in floating ammonium sulfate ppt.

Iain Peters ipeters at HIBIOTECH.COM
Fri Jul 25 17:56:22 EST 1997

I am experiencing substantial losses of my protein-of-interest in a floating
ppt formed at 30-45% saturation with ammonium sulfate.  I suspect that I may
be able to reduce this problem if I could form the precipitate in a slow and
controlled fashion.  I am considering drop-wise addition of a saturated
ammonium sulfate solution and I also wonder if the ppt may be less likely to
'trap' the desired product if it were formed in the presence of an exogenous
nucleating agent.  Any comments, particularly suggestions of inert
nucleation substrates that could be added prior to ppt would be greatly
appreciated.  Thank you.

Iain Peters

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