Guanidine hydrochloride denaturation

John Michael Sauder sauder at polaris.fccc.edu
Mon Jul 21 14:52:58 EST 1997

In article <33CD6762.41C6 at arlo.medcor.mcgill.ca> li2 at ARLO.MEDCOR.MCGILL.CA (li2) writes:
>I am doing fluorescence studies of the unfolding process of the protein
>by guanidine hydrochloride denaturation. Could anyone help me with the
>reaction condition ie. temperature, pH of guenaidine hydrochloride,
>reaction time. I will be greatly appreciated. 

	What protein?  That determines what temperature/pH it's happy at.
10, 15, 20, or 25 degrees Celsius is common.  Try pH 7.  Use at least
6 M Guanidine if you don't know where the transition will be.

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