Looking for a Post-Doctorate position

Savita Visal aai140 at agora.ulaval.ca
Wed Jul 9 05:59:13 EST 1997

Dear Friends,
I am advertising the Resume of my friend Dr. W Ramakrishna. He is
looking for a Post-doctorate position. 



Address    Plant Molecular Biology Unit, 
	       Division of Biochemistry
	       National  Chemical  Laboratory, 
	       Pune  411 008   INDIA

Research Experience:      
Presently working as a postdoctoral fellow at NCL, Pune, India 

1) Microsatellite markers and homeobox genes and their use in
phylogenetic analysis in cereals. 
2)Sex determination in papaya.

Educational Qualification
    Ph.D    -  DNA fingerprinting and molecular characterization of
    (1995)     microsatellites and minisatellites in rice 
Laboratory Training in Molecular Biology
	DNA, RNA isolation, Southern and Northern hybridizations, 
	DNA sequencing, genomic library construction, polysome 
	isolation, preparation of wheat germ lysate, in vitro 
	translation, RAPD & locus specific PCR, RT-PCR, DDRT-PCR, 
	Phylogenetic analysis.


Dr. P.K. Ranjekar,                      Dr. Vidya S. Gupta
Deputy Director & Head,                 Scientist,
Plant Molecular Biology Unit,           Plant Molecular Biology Unit,
Div Biochem Sci.,       				Div Biochem Sci.,                   
Natl  Chem Lab.,         				Nat Cheml Lab., 
Pune - 411 008  INDIA                   Pune - 411 008  INDIA
email - bio at ems.ncl.res.in              email - bio at ems.ncl.res.in
Fax 91-0212-338234                      Fax 0212-338234,
Tel 91-0212-338234                      Tel 0212-342779 


1. DNA fingerprinting in rice with oligonucleotides specific for simple
repetitive DNA sequences. 
     W. Ramakrishna, M.D. Lagu, V.S. Gupta & P.K.Ranjekar.
     Theoretical & Applied Genetics (1994) 88 : 402-406.

2. DNA fingerprinting detects genetic variation in rice using
hypervariable DNA sequences.
     W. Ramakrishna, K.V.Chowdari, M.D. Lagu, V.S. Gupta & 
     Theoretical & Applied Genetics (1995) 90 : 1000-1006.

3. (CAC)5 detects DNA fingerprints and sequences homologous to gene 
   transcripts in rice. 
   V.S.Gupta, W.Ramakrishna, S.R.Rawat & P.K.Ranjekar. 
   Biochemical Genetics (1994) 32 : 1/2 : 1-8.

4. DNA fingerprinting detects genetic variability in the pearl millet
downy mildew pathogen (Sclerospora graminicola) using simple sequence
   J.G.Sastry, W.Ramakrishna, S.Sivaramakrishnan, R.P.Thakur, V.S.  
   Gupta & P.K. Ranjekar. 
   Theoretical & Applied Genetics (1995) 91 : 856-861.

5. DNA fingerprinting of Indian isolates of Xanthomonous oryzae pv
   M.D.Rajebhonsle, K.V.Chowdari, W.Ramakrishna, S.Tamhankar, 
   V.S.Gupta, S.S.Gnanamanickam & P.K.Ranjekar.
   Theoretical & Applied Genetics (In Press).

Manuscripts communicated \ Underpreparation

1. Evolutionary changes associated with domestication at a (GA)n 
   microsatellite locus in rice.
   W.Ramakrishna, A.M.Wadia, V.S.Gupta & P.K.Ranjekar.

2. Phylogenetic conservation and evolution of human sex determining
region (SRY) gene in papaya - a dioecious plant.
   W.Ramakrishna, A.S.Parasnis, B.B.Dholakia, V.S.Gupta & P.K.Ranjekar
  (communicated to Nature Genetics)

3. Knotted1 homeobox - evolutionary significance in cereals.  
   A.Deshpande, W.Ramakrishna, G.Mulay, V.S.Gupta & P.K.Ranjekar 
  (to be communicated to Nature)

4. Amplification and sequencing of homeobox and microsatellites from
fossils of cereals. 
   W.Ramakrishna, A.Deshpande, A.M.Wadia, V.S.Gupta & P.K.Ranjekar 
   (to be communicated to Nature) 

5. Sex specific organization of a microsatellite in papaya. 
   A.S.Parasnis, W.Ramakrishna, V.S.Gupta & P.K.Ranjekar 
   (communicated to Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA) 

6. mRNA differential display identifies sex specific transcripts in
   W.Ramakrishna, A.S.Parasnis, V.S.Gupta & P.K.Ranjekar.

7. Sequence variations of rice (GATA)n microsatellite during cloning.
   A.M.Wadia, W.Ramakrishna, V.S.Gupta & P.K.Ranjekar.
8. Polymorphic organisation of knotted1 homeobox in cereals.
   A.Deshpande, W.Ramakrishna, G.Mulay, V.S.Gupta & P.K.Ranjekar  

9. Microsatellite polymorphisms in somaclonal variants in rice.
   W.Ramakrishna, S.Tamhankar, V.S.Gupta, &  P.K.Ranjekar.

10.Molecular cloning and analysis of one member of a polymorphic family
   GATA hybridizing DNA repeats in rice. A.M.Wadia, W.Ramakrishna, 
   K.V.Chowdari, V.S.Gupta & P.K.Ranjekar.

Patents Filed

1. A process for preparation of duplex polynucleotide useful for sex 
   determination of papaya plant. 
	A.S.Parasnis, W.Ramakrishna,V.S.Gupta & P.K.Ranjekar (Indian    

2. A method for early detection of sex of papaya plant using a
   A.S.Parasnis, W.Ramakrishna, V.S.Gupta & P.K.Ranjekar. (US patent- 
   in preparation)

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