Graduate student wanted
Wed, 29 Jan 1997 16:30:12 +0100
Wallimann Theo PhD <walliman at cell.biol.ethz.ch>
Wallimann, Theo
Swiss Fed. Inst. Technology, ETH-Hönggerberg, CH-8093
Zürich, Switzerland
Ph.D. STUDENTSHIP (funded for 3 years) available April 1997 or
later, at the Institute for Cell Biology, Swiss Fed. Inst. Technology,
ETH-Hönggerberg, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland.
Into small but active research team. For structure / function-related
work on creatine kinase isoenzymes, involving site-directed
mutagenesis, expression and purification of the proteins and
structural / functional testing by biochemical, biophysical means, as
well as confocal microscopy. Highly motivated, independent European
(due to program constraints) candidates with strong background and
interest in Biochem., Mol. + Cell Biology should apply to:
Dr. T.Wallimann (at the above address)
tel. ++41(01)-633-33-92/91; FAX ++41(01)-633-10-69; e-mail:
walliman at cell.biol.ethz.ch (for subject see: Biochem.J.281,21;
Curr. Biol.4,42; Nature381,341; Biophys.J. 69,1246, and 70(2)A292).
(approx. one month per year of duties in teaching courses in team)