apparent size shift in SDS-PAGE

Richard Van Frank vanfrank at iquest.net
Mon Jan 27 09:35:20 EST 1997

In article <5choak$fnv at mserv1.dl.ac.uk>,
   John Berges <J.Berges at Queens-Belfast.AC.UK> wrote:
>Hi Folks,
>I have been perfoming some experiments applying different environmental 
>stresses to marine algal cells and measuring a number of responses, 
>including changes in protein profiles on silver-stained SDS-PAGE. 
>In several specific cases I have noticed a phenomenon where a number of 
>lower MW (20-40 kDa) proteins in stressed cells seem to 'shift' to lower 
>MW on the gel (say 6-10 kDa lower, relative to controls).  At first I 
>thought this was a gel artefact, but it is consistent and reproducible. 
> The extracts are TCA/acetone precipitated, so I have difficulty 
>believing it is an effect of some other compound produced by stressed 
>cells.  I have considered the idea that it is some sort of proteolysis 
>producing lower MW fragments, but if so, it is highly ordered.  The new 
>bands maintain a similar size-relationship and density relative to each 
>Any thoughts or comments would be much appreciated. 
>     _/_/_/_/  _/    _/ _/_/_/   Dr. John A. Berges
>    _/    _/  _/    _/ _/    _/  Biology and Biochemistry
>   _/    _/  _/    _/ _/_/_/     Queen's University, Belfast
>  _/  _/_/  _/    _/ _/    _/    BT9 7BL Northern Ireland 
> _/_/_/_/  _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/       FAX: 44 (0)1232 236 505 
>        _/
I would suggest you try running a 2D gel to increase your chances of resolving 
the proteins in what must be a very complex mixture. Are you sure the stress is 
not inducing new proteins??

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