Streaking of SDS-PAGE samples

Achim Recktenwald, PhD achim at ibex.ca
Mon Jan 27 08:07:39 EST 1997

Darren Tyson wrote:
> Scott McMahan wrote:
> >
> > I was having problems recently with the samples of my Tris-Tricine
> > SDS-PAGE/Westerns streaking vertically.  After checking the usual suspects
> > (old sample buffer, precipitated sample, etc.)  I found a few protocol
> > books mentioning that turning the current down sometimes helps this
> > problem.  When I did that, it did drastically decrease the streaking, but
> > really increased the running time.  I was wondering if anyone knew what
> > phenomenon is causing this streaking, and is there some other way of
> > correcting it so I can run my gels faster again.
> >
> > --
> >                                          Scott McMahan
> >                                          mcmahan at oncology.wisc.edu
> Scott,
> In my samples the cause of streaking (the majority of the time) appears
> to be excess unfragmented DNA.  To fix this I sonicate and boil samples
> longer before loading on the gel.
> Cheers,
> Darren
> --
> Darren Tyson
> Ph.D. Candidate in Cell and Molecular Biology
> Saint Louis University
> tysondr at slu.edu or darren at primary.net
> http://www.scimart.com/darren/

Why don't you add a little bit of DNAse I?  For the production of enzyme
from bacterial cells, we add ~2 - max. 5ug/L of DNAseI per liter of cell
broth after or sometimes even before the cell disruption step; 20min at
0C is sufficient. At RT or higher you need even less. 
This is so low, you will not see it in your gel, and the enzyme is very


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