Immunoprecipitation of myc-tagged membrane proteins

Sonya Clark saclark at nature.Berkeley.EDU
Sat Jan 25 21:57:35 EST 1997

I am trying to immunoprecipitate a myc-tagged ABC transporter from yeast
(S. pombe).  My C-terminal myc tagged protein works great for western
blots and immunofluorescence but I can't seem to get it to IP from yeast
extracts using fairly standard protocols.  My protein is solubilized
fairly efficiently with SDS - I can't release it from the membrane with
any other detergent yet (I've tried BM's detergent kit to try a variety). 
In the final IP the SDS conc. is around 0.1%.  I'm wondering if my
hydrophobic membrane protein is folding in such a way to hide the myc-tag
and make it difficult for the monoclonal antibody to find it. I can't, for
various reasons, move the tag to another location.  Does anybody know of a
source of a myc-tagged protein or Human leukaemia nuclear extracts I can
use as a positive control for my IP's? Also does anyone have any advice on
optimising IP's for such proteins?  Any advice appreciated!  

Sonya Clark
Albany CA
saclark at nature.berkeley.edu

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