Antibody to a nuclear component

fred wouters f.s.wouters at chem.ruu.nl
Fri Jan 24 13:29:26 EST 1997

Dear Collegues

Is there anybody out there using a commerically available antibody to a
nuclear component, preferably one (almost) not present in the cytosol? I
was thinking about histone or lamine, just a big protein that won't leak
out of the nucleus during cell fractionation.

I want to use it for western blotting and maybe EM. For fluorescent
microscopy I'm thinking of using DAPI. So please, when your antibody is
good (especially on western blot), mail me!


by the way, I'm using NIH 3T3 cells...

Petra de Graaf
Molecular Cell Biology
Universiteit Utrecht

petra at emsaserv.biol.ruu.nl

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