MALDI-TOF is suitable to identify whether a protein is a dimer or a trimer?

Rachel Ogorzalek Loo ogorzloo at umich.edu
Fri Jan 24 14:22:13 EST 1997

There have been only a few papers in the literature on detecting specific
non-covalent complexes by MALDI, and at this point in time it is
probably best to consider MALDI only if one is working with a
mass spectrometry group specializing in that kind of research.  Moreover,
the conditions under which a MALDI analysis is performed are usually
denaturing. At this point in time, reviewers would probably not readily 
consider a MALDI observation of a non-covalent complex sufficient 
proof on it's own.
Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry is rapidly emerging as an
excellent method for determining stoichiometries of non-covalent 
complexes.  The analysis needs to be performed under non-denaturing 
conditions--different from how routine work is usually done.    

Rachel Ogorzalek Loo
2560 MSRB II
Ann Arbor, MI  48109

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