APS & TEMED in acid gels

Scott Bean scotbean at ksu.ksu.edu
Thu Jan 23 21:08:13 EST 1997

In article <5c0ch6$q75 at agate.berkeley.edu>, lhom at nature.berkeley.edu says...
>So I'm running these HOAc-urea polyacrylamide gels (15% resolving, 4%
>stack) and each part takes >1hr to polymerize at the concentrations of APS
>and TEMED that I currently use.  Will I mess things up by increasing the
>APS & TEMED concentrations so that polymerizatin occurs more on the order
>of 30 minutes instead?  I won't be transferring or eluting the proteins
>from the gel for anything.  
>Lou Hom >K '93  
>lhom at nature.berkeley.edu  

Can you change catalysts?  We use ascorbic acid and ferrous sulfate 
(heptahydrate) for the polymerization of acid gels.  This mix will polymerize 
so fast we have to cool the mixture before pouring or it will polymerize before 
you can get the gel poured!

Scott Bean
Grad. student
Kansas State Univ.

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