re-post of available postdoc position

bmiller at uidaho.edu bmiller at uidaho.edu
Thu Jan 23 17:02:47 EST 1997

Postdoctoral Position in Fungal Developmental Genetics: The broad research
goal is to elucidate mechanisms underlying the biological function of the
Aspergillus nidulans Stunted protein.  StuAp is required for 1) cell
pattern formation during asexual reproduction and 2) ascosporogenesis and
cleistothecial development during sexual reproduction (Genes & Dev.
6:1770-1782; Genetics 143:155-163).  StuAp is a member of a family of
transcription factors that includes cell cycle regulators in budding and
fission yeasts, and regulators of fungal development in budding yeast, C.
albicans and N. crassa.   Possible projects include, but are not limited
to: structure/function analysis of StuAp;  isolation of interacting
proteins; characterization of downstream target genes involved in asexual
and/or sexual reproduction; characterization of upstream regulatory genes
that control developmental competence-dependent stuA gene expression;
characterization of extragenic suppressors of stuA mutations.  Interested
individuals should have prior training in molecular geneticsc.  Preference
will be given to those with research experience using yeast or filamentous
fungi.  Position is available beginning May-June, 1997.  Send a CV and
three letters of reference to Dr. Bruce L. Miller, Dept. of Micro., Molec.
Biology & Biochemistry, Life Sciences Bldg., University of Idaho, Moscow ID 
83843.  UI is an EO/AAE.

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