Can I prepare SDS-PAGE gel mixes in advance?

David Aldridge aldridge at mbcmr.unimelb.edu.au
Wed Jan 22 18:31:25 EST 1997

 On 12 Jan 1997 13:40:33 GMT, "Thorsten Schmidt"
 <Thorsten.Schmidt at rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de> wrote:
 >I make many Western blots and SDS-PAGE-gels.
 >For each gel, I have to mix
 >- Acrylamid-Mix (29 % acrylamid / 0,8 % bis-aa)
 >- Tris-Buffer
 >- Water
 >- 10 % SDS
 >- 10 % APS
 >to pour a 3% and a 10% gel.
 >Is there anything to be said against preparing a 3 % and a 10 % gel-mix
 >by mixing the componets (except for APS & TEMED) in advance?
 >It would minimize time by just adding TEMED & APS to a aliquot!
 >Or isn´t it good to store such a mix for a longer time?

Acrylamide is unstable and will break down, by deamination, to acrylic acid
in a reaction catalysed by light and alkali. I'm not sure of the details,
but by checking the pH of and old acrylamide solution will give an
indication of whether it has broken down yet. Also adding a small amout of
basic ion exchange resin will help preserve it. You should therefore not
add the acylamide to your mix until ready to use it. The Tris, water and
SDS can however be mixed in advance.

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