ANS binding to proteins

D. Hodges dh124 at cus.cam.ac.uk
Wed Jan 22 11:39:06 EST 1997

	I am looking for information on how the fluorescent dye 1,8 ANS
binds to proteins. I know it binds to 'hydrophobic regions' which alters
its' fluorescence, but what I would like to know is more detail on the
specifics of the binding. Is there a preference for particular residue
types ? Will it bind to say a single exposed Phe ring ? or does the site
need to be larger - if so, has the minimum requirement been shown.

The Molecular Probes web site has an extensive bibliography, but very few of
the titles look particularly promising. I would rather not have to read all
of them to get the answer if I can avoid it.

    Dr.  Deborah Hodges 				 dh124 at cus.cam.ac.uk
	  Fax 01223 217838		tel: 01223 216050
Rheumatology Research Unit, Addenbrookes Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge, UK.

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