Ppt'ing reticulocyte lysate transcribed proteins

NJH at mail.nerc-oxford.ac.uk NJH at mail.nerc-oxford.ac.uk
Tue Jan 21 17:29:36 EST 1997

Does anyone know of a simple method to precipitate and then count 35-S 
labelled proteins transcribed in rabbit reticulocyte lysate? I have tried 
regular TCA precipitation (spot on Whatman, 10% TCA, then washing) but the 
counts don't agree with the gel. There is a method in the Promega manual that 
involves treating with NaOH/H2O2, then precipitating with 25%TCA/2% casamino 
acids, followed by vacuum filtration on to glass filters. Does anyone know if 
this method is good?



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