enzyme quantification by OD?

Dima Klenchin klenchin at facstaff.wisc.edu
Tue Jan 21 11:55:58 EST 1997

In article <ammacleo-2001971621020001 at kalmarlab2.mbb.sfu.ca>, ammacleo at sfu.ca (Alasdair MacLeod) wrote:
#   I am trying to figure out the best way to accurately determine the
#concentration of a mutant enzyme and can't use an active-site titrant.   
#I am leary of dye-binding and the Lowry method to accurately quantify this
#protein.  Is anyone else of the opinion that absorbance OD280 (ex. method
#of Scopes) is any better?

Well, if you have both proteins in pure form AND mutation does not replace
aromatic aa (esp. tryptophan), this is, IMHO, the best way to go. 

- Dima

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