help for isoelectrofocusing

Lionel Berthoux Lionel.Berthoux at ens-lyon.fr
Fri Jan 17 06:10:21 EST 1997

Dear Netter's

Does anybody know the best methods to isoelectrofocusing proteins with or
without urea?
And what are the best ways to detect them by immunoblotting?

I have many problems to transfer proteins very well. It seemed that I need
5 or 10 more proteins to see something on the transfer membrane.

What membrane do I use?
What are the conditions for semy-dry electrotransfer?
Has the gel to be washed before transfer ...

Even my proteins are radiolabelled (14C) I don't see a very good signal as
I have with SDS-PAGE. I think the proteins pass through the membrane?

Than you


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