Non-human factor Xa

Dr. David Martin david.martin at read.my.sig
Thu Jan 16 11:32:58 EST 1997

In article <32DE5D1C.2BB3 at bilbo.bio.purdue.edu>,
   alan friedman <afried at bilbo.bio.purdue.edu> wrote:

+>Does anyone know whether Factor Xa from non-humans can
+>be used for cleavage of Factor Xa linked fusion proteins?

Yes it can.

+>Are there protocols for making non-human Factor Xa?

You could try Barium precipitation followed by Q ion chromatography, 
take the FX fractions and activate with Russels Viper Venom. You 
could then rechromatograph to separate FXa from the other proteins 
(You get a shift in elution profile on activation). It won't be pure 
but will probably work OK (Though of course no guarantees are given)


* David Martin - Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis research group  *
* http://www.uio.no/~damartin/      david.martin at biotek.uio.no  *
* Lab +47 22 95 84 54 Fax +47 22 69 41 30  GSM +47 90 74 27 65  *

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