predicting radius of gyration

Ellis Golub ellis at vesicle.dental.upenn.edu
Thu Jan 16 09:58:35 EST 1997

Creighton present a graph of RsubG vs N, for a helix, coil and sphere (Proteins
2nd ed p 177).  The plot for a sphere has almost no slope.  He doesn't say how
it was derived, but there are several references.

Ellis Golub

In article <32D6C09D.401F at spork.niddk.nih.gov>, John Kuszewski <johnk at spork.niddk.nih.gov> writes:
|> Hi,
|> Does anyone have an equation to predict the radius of 
|> gyration of a globular protein from the number of 
|> residues in it?  Could you post it or email it to 
|> me?
|> Thanks.
|> -- 
|>                                    _____________
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|>                                    |        |/  /
|>                                    --  /\  //  /--
|>                                    ||  ||  /  /||
|>                                    ||  || /  / ||
|>                                    ||  ||/  /  ||
|> John Kuszewski                     ||  |/  /|  ||      
|> johnk at spork.niddk.nih.gov          ||  /  /||  ||
|>                                    \/ /  / ||  \/
|> that's MISTER protein G to you!     |/__/|      |
|>                                       /_________|
|> My parents went to Zaire and all I got 
|> was this lousy retrovirus.

Ellis Golub                  Phone: (215) 898-4629
Biochemistry Department      FAX:   (215) 898-3695
University of Pennsylvania   ellis at biochem.dental.upenn.edu
School of Dental Medicine             
4001 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6003

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