How can I extract a protein from an SDS-PAGE

Ralf Spenneberg spenneb at uni-muenster.de
Thu Jan 16 03:39:27 EST 1997

In article <19970115221601.RAA20724 at ladder01.news.aol.com>,
jlk1117440 at aol.com (Jlk1117440) wrote:

> I would like to extract a protein (~26 kd) from an SDS-PAGE gel.  What is
> the best way to extract the protein, and what yield can I expect?     Jim
> Knoetgen,MD

I think electroelution is the best alternative. You might get even up to
100 %. Passive Elution has a yield of 50-80% in my opinion.
The best way to electroelute is to buy a commercially availabla
electroeluter, for example from Biorad.
In case your choice would be the passive elution (very cheap), mail me and
i'll supply you with some references.


Ralf Spenneberg
Institute for Medical Biochemistry
Universitaet Muenster                             0251 83 6722
Von Esmarchstr 56       48149 Muenster        Germany

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