On 12 Jan 1997 13:40:33 GMT, "Thorsten Schmidt"
<Thorsten.Schmidt at rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de> wrote:
>Dear reader!
>>I make many Western blots and SDS-PAGE-gels.
>>For each gel, I have to mix
>- Acrylamid-Mix (29 % acrylamid / 0,8 % bis-aa)
>- Tris-Buffer
>- Water
>- 10 % SDS
>- 10 % APS
>>to pour a 3% and a 10% gel.
>>Is there anything to be said against preparing a 3 % and a 10 % gel-mix
>by mixing the componets (except for APS & TEMED) in advance?
>>It would minimize time by just adding TEMED & APS to a aliquot!
>Or isn´t it good to store such a mix for a longer time?
>Hi Thorsten!
There simply is NOTHING to say against storing premixed gel solutions
as long as you keep them in a freezer (-20 degr.). You should be able
to keep them at least for a couple of months. And it improves the
reproducibility of your gels (if that is important for you). We have
made good experience with it.