postdoctoral position

Dr. Fred K. Friedman fkfried at helix.nih.gov
Fri Jan 10 14:29:43 EST 1997

A postdoctoral research position is available to study
structure-function relationships of cytochrome P450, employing
biochemical/biophysical approaches. Research includes kinetic and
thermodynamic characterization of P450 interactions with substrates,
ligands and other proteins. For a summary of our recent work in this
area, point your WWW browser to
http://www.nci.nih.gov/intra/LMC/fkf.HTM. This position is for a
recent Ph.D. graduate and will be available as early as March. To
apply, send CV and names and phone numbers of three references to Dr.
Fred K. Friedman, National Cancer Institute, Bldg. 37, Room 3E-24,
Bethesda, MD 20892. Or send email to fkfried at helix.nih.gov

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