CD analysis of beta-sheet

Ellie Brown ebrown at i-2000.com
Fri Jan 10 20:44:38 EST 1997

In article <32D42CE3.3958 at amgen.com>, jphilo at amgen.com wrote:

> Ronald Smulders wrote:
I missed the original post, but have just been discussing this kind of
situation with my student.  Is the absolute value of the ellipticity
increasing or decreasing? If it is decreasing, I would suggest aggregation
leading to light scattering.  If the absolute value is increasing, perhaps
more beta structure is being formed.  Have you calculated the % beta etc.
under the two circumstances?  There was a paper by Greenfield within the
last couple of years in Anal. Biochem. that compares several algorithms,
some work better than others with predominately beta proteins.
Ellie Brown
Wyndmoor, PA 19038

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