searching postdoctoral position

Biol. Cel. bc2biced at lucano.uco.es
Thu Jan 9 11:39:51 EST 1997

I am looking for a post-doc position at a research group of
biochemistry, molecular or cell biology that are working with cell
differentiation or apoptosis preferably. 
	At this time I am working in Dr. P. Navas’ lab (Dept Cell Biology,
Univ. Cordoba Spain) in cell differentiation induced by vitamin D3 and
the possible potentiative role of antioxidants as helpers in this
process, also I colaborate in other subjects suc apoptosis. This work
includes analysis of factors like: proteins, gene regulation, secons
messengers, immunology, etc.
	I have a background in flow cytometry, enzymology, HPLC,
electrophoresis, western and northern and other standard methods in cell

	I could obtain a post-doctoral fellowship of ECC or Spanish Ministry of
Education and Science.

	I could start in the next September or at the beginning of the next
year, after obtain my PhD degree.

	Yours sincerely,

	Guillermo López Lluch

	My CV and a detailed application is available on request under my
e-mail address (bc2lollg at lucano.uco.es).

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