GST-SH3 fusions

Steven F. Goldberg sgoldberg at psu.edu
Mon Jan 6 19:42:50 EST 1997

I am a graduate student working in a lab that has recently discovered a
novel human melanoma metastasis suppressor gene ("KiSS-1" - JNCI (1996)
88: 1731-1737), the predicted protein of which contains a consensus
sequence indicative of an SH3 ligand.  As part of my thesis research, I
intend to identify proteins that interact with KiSS-1.  

Therefore, I am trying to assemble a panel of GST fusions of proteins
containing SH3 domains (e.g. src, abl, lyn) with which to determine 1)
whether KiSS-1 binds an SH3 domain, and 2) the binding specificity of
such interaction. 

I would be very interested in hearing from anybody who might be willing
to make such a GST-SH3 fusion available to me for these experiments.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Steven F. Goldberg
sgoldberg at psu.edu
Penn State College of Medicine
Hershey, Pennsylvania

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