
Dima Klenchin klenchin at facstaff.wisc.edu
Fri Jan 3 12:20:38 EST 1997

In article <32ccbd2b.481197 at news.univie.ac.at>,
   a8803349 at unet.univie.ac.at (Martin Offterdinger) wrote:
->I am wondering if it is possibble to set up a quantitative
->immunoprecipitaion to analyse the regulation of expression of a
->particular cell surface receptor: What I would like to do is to
->immunoprecipitate the receptor and do a western afterwards with
->hormone treated and untreated cells and compare the relative
->expression. Do you think that this would be an appribiate approach??

I'd be very sceptical of such approach and certainly would not trust results
quantitatively. One poorly reproducible and highly non-linear technique
(IP) on top of another highly non-linear (western). Most people have enough
troubles introducing all sort of errors in "quantitative" westerns. 
However, if nothing else is feasible, I'd go for western alone, omitting IP
as essentially redundant step. 

- Dima

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