NP-40 replacement

MP Frosch frosch at dsg.harvard.edu
Fri Aug 1 12:04:13 EST 1997

You can still buy NP-40 from Boehringer -- I did just that after Sigma
stopped carrying it.

M.P. Frosch, MD, PhD

Neuropathology				|	Center for Neurologic Diseases
Brigham & Women's Hosp.			|	Brigham & Women's Hosp.
75 Francis Street			|	77 Avenue Louis Pasteur (HIM 764)
Boston, MA 02115			|	Boston, MA 02115
		*****			|		*****
617 732-7532 (secretary)		|	617 525-5240 (lab/office)
617 975-0944 (fax)			|	617 525-5305 (fax)
mpfrosch at bics.bwh.harvard.edu		|	frosch at dsg.harvard.edu

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