As an aside for those who think today's 13C-glucose prices are high:
Back when we first started with the uniform labelling business,
the glucose prices were way higher, by a factor of 4-5.
I've been involved in a project where we set aside $40,000 just for
13C-glucose, and I have heard of projects that required substantially
more money. Those were no low-yield expression systems either...
Nevertheless, it still pays to improve the sample production process,
no matter what the prices are.
In general, I agree with the previous poster's observations about
protein expression on acetate.
There was a paper in Biochemistry in '90 or '91 with some good detail.
The protein was carbonic anhydrase, if I'm not mistaken.
Happy labelling,
| Christoph Weber Sen. Research Associate
| Dept.of Molecular Biology, MB2 619-554-7283 or -8754 (phone)
| The Scripps Research Institute 619-554-3757 (FAX)
| La Jolla CA 92037-1027 weber at|