Computational Molecular Biology Workshop, October 15-19, 1996

Iosif Vaisman iiv at mmlds1.pha.unc.edu
Fri Jul 26 21:20:59 EST 1996

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Computational Molecular Biology
October 15 - 19, 1996

This course is designed for scientists with limited prior experience in
computational molecular biology.  The topics to be covered include:
biomolecular informatics and databases, protein and nucleic acid sequence
analysis and alignment, 3D protein structure analysis and prediction,
molecular modeling and dynamic simulations of proteins and nucleic acids,
and structure-based drug design.  The workshop will consist of the
in-depth theoretical lectures and intensive hands-on laboratory sessions. 

CAROLINA WORKSHOPS are intensive hands-on courses designed to teach
cutting edge methods in molecular biology and biotechnology.  Four or five
courses on different topics in molecular biology and/or biotechnology are
offered each year. The courses are designed for novice students as well as
for individuals with prior experience.  All students benefit from in-depth
interaction with instructors.

To apply, send a curriculum vitae and a brief letter describing your
research interests and their relevance to the Workshop.  Applicants should
contact the program office as soon as possible.  Please indicate your
complete mailing address and telephone/fax number.

Application Deadline-September 7, 1996. Tuition - $ 1,200.00.  
Participation is limited to 15 people, please apply early.

Alexander Tropsha, Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Frank K. Brown (Glaxo-Wellcome)		Alexander Tropsha (UNC-Chapel Hill)
Wayne Litaker (UNC-Chapel Hill)		Iosif I. Vaisman (UNC-Chapel Hill)
David C. Richardson (Duke University)

For further information or to apply, contact:
Dr. Wayne Litaker, Facility Director
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Program in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
442 Taylor Hall CB 7100
Chapel Hill, North Carolina  27599-7100
TELEPHONE (919) 966-1730,  FAX (919) 966-6821
E-MAIL  litaker at med.unc.edu

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