multifunctional enzymes..

geetha vasudevan geetha at KRISHNA.DCRT.NIH.GOV
Thu Jul 25 12:20:32 EST 1996


Does PDB contain enough examples of multifunctional enzyme??


 [mails to geetha at helix will be forwarded to geetha at krishna.dcrt]
 | GEETHA VASUDEVAN                          Ph.#: (301)-402-0506 (w)     | 
 | Post Doctoral Visiting Fellow             Fax#: (301)-496-2172 (w)     | 
 | Anal.Bio.Sec., Lab.of Str.Biol.           E-mail: geetha at helix.nih.gov |
 | Bldg.12A/Room 2041,DCRT, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20892-5626                  |

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