Where is the dFLASH server?

borovok ilya borovok at POST.TAU.AC.IL
Tue Jul 23 03:36:43 EST 1996

Dear Netters,

I am looking for the exact address of the dFLASH server that had the 
address dFLASH at watson.ibm.com.

My present attemts to get some connection with it were unsuccessful.

Thanks a lot for all recommendations in advance.

Ilya Borovok.


         Ilya A. Borovok, Ph.D
         Department of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology,
         George S.Wise Faculty of Life Sciences,
         Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv,
         Tel Aviv, 69978, Israel

         Fax 972 3 640 9407
         email borovok at ccsg.tau.ac.il
               borovok at post.tau.ac.il


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