ANNOUNCEMENT: Protein Multiple Sequences Editor for Win 3.x/95

Alexy Eroshkin eroshkin at vector.nsk.su
Tue Jul 23 06:14:02 EST 1996

To: proteins at dl.ac.uk
From: eroshkin at vector.nsk.su <Alexey Eroshkin>
Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: Protein Multiple Sequences Editor for Win 3.11/95

Dear All,

With the increasing of protein sequence data, multiple alignment is one
of the important techniques to understand protein structure-function
organization and evolution.

New software package ProMSED is available from EBI software library:
(as self-extracted archive).

ProMSED: Protein Multiple Sequences EDitor for Windows 3.x/95

ProMSED is an easy-to-use application for Windows 3.x/95 that performs
automatic and manual multiple protein sequences alignment, alignment
analysis and editing. The program reads NBRF/PIR, Pearson (Fasta),
EMBL/SwissProt, Intelligenetics and CLUSTAL data formats and has
interface and the main functions similar to popular text editor Word.
ProMSED loads up to eight protein families in time, adds sequences to
existing alignment, combines sequences from different files, outputs the
alignment in two formats, prints the alignment.  Automatic
alignment is based on ClustalV algorithm. Manual alignment and sequence
analysis are facilitated by using group operations and amino acid
color-coding reflecting amino acid similarity in physico-chemical and
mutational properties, secondary structure propensities, etc.
ProMSED can align complete set of sequences, its subset and any selected
block, providing thus flexible tool for sequences analysis,
visualization, edition and illustrations preparation. A HELP is
included. Demo version has limits on length and number of sequences.

Special thanks to Dr. Desmond Higgins for source code of ClustalV.

Comments, bug reports and suggestions for new features are welcome and
should be sent by email to eroshkin at vector.nsk.su. Inquiries can be
addressed to:

Dr. Alexey Eroshkin               Institute of Molecular Biology
E.mail: eroshkin at vector.nsk.su    State Research Center of Virology and
Tel: +7 (3832) - 647774           Biotechnology "Vector"
Fax: +7 (3832) - 328831           Koltsovo, Novosibirsk Region 633159

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