gel electrophoresis of peptides...

Robert W. Berry r-berry at nwu.edu
Fri Jul 12 10:25:14 EST 1996

In article <4s19qb$guv at deft.cc.purdue.edu>, wilkinst at deft.cc.purdue.edu 
>Newsgroups: bionet.molecules.peptides
>Subject: gel electrophoresis of peptides...
>Distribution: world
>Organization: Purdue University Computing Center
>I was wondering if somebody had some experience with SDS gel 
electrophoresis of
>peptides.  I have a sample that I would like to analyze to see if it 
>a short (12-residue) peptide, molecular weight = 1462.
>The sample is not some mixture of many species...the sample to be 
>either has the 12-mer, or else the sample contains no peptide 
whatsoever.  Thus,
>this gel should be really easy to interpret.  I also have a similar 
sample that
>I would like to analyze for peptide content, except in this case I am 
>for the presence or absence of a 33-residue peptide (MW = 3487).
>I would like to run these samples out on an SDS gel, and then 
>My question is that I don't know what the optimal percentage of 
>would be for this task.  What percent gel is best?  Is gel 
electrophoresis of
>peptides commonly done?  Your suggestions are much appreciated.
While I agree with the Krieger lab that other methods may be less 
painful, some years ago we did develop an SDS gel system that was linear 
down to about 2.5 kD (Anderson, et al., Anal.Biochem. 132:365-375, 1983). 
With some tinkering, it might work for your applications.
Robert W. Berry
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.   USA
r-berry at nwu.edu

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