Jonathan Mazer wrote:
>> DSF (76042.532 at CompuServe.COM) wrote:
> : I'm desperately looking for commercially available antibodies to
> : ubiquitously expressed yeast proteins, for instance, anti-TATA
> : Binding Protein. HELP!!
> : Lynette
>> I'm afraid you're out of luck. There are no known commercially
> available antibodies to yeast proteins that I know about. Your best bet
> is to check the literature for a lab that will have made it's own
> antibody(ies) against something similar to what you are working on or
> what you need. Write or email them and ask for it. Explain, of course,
> that you are not trying to copy their work with their antibody. Most labs
> will be willing to help. (It will take a little more time, but it should
> work.) Good Luck.
>>-jsmazer at>
This is a good suggestion that may work well for you. There may also be a
commercial alternative:
StressGen (1-800-661-4978, Victoria, BC) carries antibodies for chaperone
proteins. For two of these antibodies, one for HSP60 and one for HSP90,
StressGen claims cross reactivity with yeast extracts. Since these
proteins are ubiquitous and highly conserved, one or both of these may
serve you well. These protiens are ubiquitously expressed, but
expression is increased under stressful conditions (i.e. extreme
temperatures and certain media). That may be the biggest drawback to
using them.
Brett Burkholder
Emory University
Genetics and Molecular Medicine