RMSD algorithm needed

Andrew Martin martin at bsm.bioc.ucl.ac.uk
Tue Jul 9 08:58:57 EST 1996

: Hi,

: Does anyone know where I can get the algorithm for 
: performing minimum RMS deviation alignment between two
: protein chains? 

Hi Alexander,

I have a program called ProFit which will do the fitting for you; it will
run from a script file so you can easily use it to run through several
thousand structures. It's available via my Web page.

I also have a program called genloop which will create a backbone (N,CA,C)
or CA trace from a set of torsion angles. Contact me by EMail if you 
want a copy of this.

Best wishes,


Dr. Andrew C.R. Martin,         University College London & SciTech Software
EMAIL: martin at biochem.ucl.ac.uk                Tel:(Work) +44(0)171 419 3890
URL: http://www.biochem.ucl.ac.uk/~martin          (Home) +44(0)1372 275775

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