enzyme kinetics programs??

Roger rm at clyde.its.unimelb.edu.au
Mon Jul 8 23:16:25 EST 1996

In article <31D28A74.4648 at ibex.ca>, Achim Recktenwald <achim at ibex.ca> wrote:
>Cormac Shaw wrote:
>>      Other Windows graphing applications we've looked at are
>> "SigmaPlot" (http://www.jandel.com/) which is pretty good for
>> presentation but may or may not include the kinetic equations you/we
>> want (we're currently checking that out) ...
>You can do the kinetics with Sigmaplot, but it is not very efficient.
>Grafit and Enzfitter compile the equations you are fitting to, they are
> therefore much faster.
>In Sigmaplot you also have to be careful with setting the right constraints,
> otherwise it may take 
>forever or you get not very useful results. I like the program and use it a lot
> for plotting, but for 
>enzyme kinetics Grafit is much better.

GraphPad's program, PRISM, is another I'd recommend for this sort of 


Roger Murphy

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