Research Fellow In NMR Spectroscopy

Randal R. Ketchem ketchemr at scripps.edu
Fri Jul 5 01:16:33 EST 1996

Date: 7/2/96 7:03 PM
From: Frances Separovic
Research Fellow In NMR Spectroscopy

A research fellowship in NMR spectroscopy is available with the School of
Chemistry, University of Melbourne, Australia.  The School has a wide range of
research interests in structural and solution NMR studies in organic,
inorganic and biological chemistry.

You, with the help of a Professional Officer, will be responsible for the
daily function of the NMR Centre, technique development and training.  You
will be encouraged to undertake collaborative research. 

The NMR centre at the School of Chemistry is equipped with 4 Varian NMR
spectrometers: an Inova 400, Unity Plus 400, Unity 300 and an Inova 300 for
solid-state work plus 2 Sparc workstations for data processing and 20% access
to a Bruker DRX 500 NMR spectrometer.  Planning to gain access to higher field
instruments has a high priority.

You will have a relevant post graduate qualification and some experience in
most solution state NMR techniques with emphasis on the structural studies of
organic molecules and/or biomolecules.  Experience with molecular dynamics
calculations and computational methods in solution structural refinement of
biological macromolecules would be particularly desirable.

This appointment will be for three years (Limited Tenure). 
Salary: $30130 -  $40889 pa (Research Fellow Grade 1).

For further information, position description and the School Research Booklet
contact: Associate Professor Frances Separovic (61-3) 9344 6464; fax (61-3)
9347 5180 e-mail:  Frances_Separovic at muwayf.unimelb.edu.au  

Applications close: 27 July 1996 
Reference number: Y0003776 

Applications (including the names and facsimile numbers of three referees)
should quote the reference number and be sent in duplicate to the Director,
Human Resources, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, 3052
Australia; fax (61-3) 9344 4694. Applications will not be acknowledged but you
will be advised of the outcome. The University of Melbourne is an equal
opportunity employer and has a smoke-free workplace policy.


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