Richard Lathrop rickl at tahiti.ICS.UCI.EDU
Mon Apr 1 23:11:53 EST 1996

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                    Call for Papers and Referees

               Second Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing
                Maui, Hawaii  ---  January 6--9, 1997

Daniel Fischer, Adam Godzik, Su Chung, S. Subbiah, Richard Lathrop

Protein structure prediction directly confronts experimental evidence
by its very nature.  As we all know, the pressure to publish positive
results biases what we see in the literature, making it difficult to
separate true insights from exaggerated claims.  Consequently workers
in the field need to discuss informally and frankly:
What works? What doesn't? Why not? And what can we all learn from it?

This year, two special sessions will focus on:

    * PROTEIN THREADING, or ``The post-Asilomar blues,''
        by Daniel Fischer and Adam Godzik.

    * SIDE-CHAIN PACKING, or ``The importance of being well-packed,''
        by Su Chung and S. Subbiah.

The special sessions will facilitate a series of panels, discussion
groups, posters, and workshops:
    * informal talks (10-15 minutes) for groups to showcase recent efforts.
    * panel discussions on several hot topics (speakers, topics, solicited).
    * non-competitive prediction workshops for your sequences and software.
The goal is to draw together active researchers in a non-competitive,
open, and participatory examination of what actually works, and why.
For information about specific session activities please contact the
special session organizers directly, as listed below.

PSB'97 will publish accepted peer-reviewed full papers in an archival
Proceedings.  All full papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three
referees.  Each accepted full paper will be allocated 12 pages in the
Proceedings.  The best peer-reviewed papers will be selected for oral
presentation (30 minutes) to the full assembled Conference.

Papers are solicited on any aspect of protein structure prediction,
especially those directed at the two special sessions.  Preferred
papers will confront prediction with experimental data, quantify the
effectiveness of the techniques employed, and elucidate the reasons
behind the successes and limitations encountered.  Predictions should
be tested on data not used to derive predictive parameters (e.g.,
cross-validation, or train/test set, methodologies), and should so state.

To be eligible for review and publication in the Proceedings, each full
paper must be accompanied by a cover letter stating that it contains
original unpublished results not currently under consideration elsewhere
and that all co-authors concur with its contents.

Participants who do not wish to submit a full paper are welcome to
submit a two page abstract, which will be distributed at the meeting
separately from the archival Proceedings.  All participants are
welcome to display posters and give live computer demonstrations.

    Paper submission deadline: July 1, 1996
    Notification of paper acceptances:  August 22, 1996
    Camera ready copy due: September 15, 1996
    Conference: January 6-9, 1997 at the Ritz-Carlton Kapalua, Maui

          PSB-97, c/o Section on Medical Informatics
          Stanford University Medical School, MSOB X215
          Stanford, CA 94305-5479  USA

    * Protein Threading, or ``The post-Asilomar blues''
        --- Daniel Fischer: fischer at mbi.ucla.edu; (310) 206-3642
        --- Adam Godzik: adam at scripps.edu; (619) 554-4823
    * Side-chain Packing, or ``The importance of being well-packed''
        --- Su Chung: schung at usuhsb.usuhs.mil; (301) 295-3562
        --- S. Subbiah: subbiah at cellbio.stanford.edu; (415) 725-0754
    * Other topics and general information
        --- Richard Lathrop: rickl at uci.edu; (714) 824-4021

The Protein Structure Prediction field day is a portion of the 1997 Pacific
Symposium on Biocomputing.  Please see http://cgl.ucsf.edu/psb/psb.html for
information about the general conference.

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