Programs for schematic drawings of proteins?

Geier Gerhard b049 at mail.fh-wuerzburg.de
Wed May 31 09:38:55 EST 1995

In article <3goein$e5i at helka.iif.hu>, szia at enzim.hu says...
>I am looking for programs that can draw schematic drawings of protein 
>structures. I am interested in the following two types of drawings:
>        (1) schematic representation of the [main chain] hydrogen bonding 
>pattern (based on known 3D structure)
>        (2) schematic representation of the domain structure and 
>disulfide bonding pattern, using a chain of several circles, each circle 
>representing a residue, and the type of the residue written in the 
>circle. This chain of circles is folded in 2D to approximately represent 
>the domain structure and the disulfide bonding pattern.
>Such drawings often appear in journals but I don't know any program that 
>can easily draw such things. (As to the hydrogen bonding pattern, I heard 
>of a program called HERA but I have no idea how to get it.)
>Anyone can help?
>Andras Szilagyi (szia at enzim.hu)
>Institute of Enzymology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences


If you have found a program who is able to draw that, pleas sent me seh name 
of the program and the name of the server

Thanks in forward

Gerhard Geier

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