MALDI-MS core facility?

John E. Fox altabios at bham.ac.uk
Fri May 26 07:23:23 EST 1995

In article <3q1v76$on1 at cisunix1.dfci.harvard.edu>, ming at mbcrr.harvard.edu (Ding Ming) says:
>I would appreciate very much if someone can point me some core
>facilities which supply MALDI-MS service for protein and peptide
>samples. And I will summarise and post the collective information
>later. Thanks for your attention.
>ming at mbcrr.harvard.edu

Try us!
Amongst other things, Alta Bioscience runs a Kratos Maldi III
and uses it mainly for QC checking its synthetic peptides.

Email me if you want any more information. If you have Word 6
I can send you our catalogue as well.

John Fox

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